Friday, August 5, 2016

Punjab govt’s helicopter crash-lands in Afghanistan

A Punjab government Mi-17 helicopter crash landed on Thursday in Afghanistan’s Logar province where Taliban insurgents took the crew hostage before setting the helicopter on fire.
DawnNews reported the helicopter had seven people onboard at the time of the incident, and was on its way for maintenance to Uzbekistan.
Afghanistan’s TOLO News, however, reported the  helicopter belonged to Pakistan military.
Quoting spokesman for Logar province’s governor, it said that the helicopter crashed in the Mati area of Azra district.

What we know so far

  • Punjab government’s Mi-17 helicopter crash lands in Afghanistan’s Logar province
  • Taliban sets it on fire; some reports say it caught fire as it crashed
  • 7 crew members on board survive crash; Taliban take them hostage
  • Foreign Office trying to contact Afghan officials to get more information

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